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DNA Typing Services

  • Child custody and maintenance: In cases where one parent is claiming the custody and maintenance of a child and the other parent is refusing to accept parentage.

  • Proof of adultery: Especially in divorce cases where the paternity of the child is suspect, and the wife is being accused of adultery, DNA typing can be used to determine whether the husband is the father of the child.

  • Rape, which has resulted in pregnancy: DNA typing of tissue samples from the mother, child and suspected offender can be analysed to determine whether he is the father of the child.

  • Testamentary cases: When a deceased person's wealth is to be distributed among his or her heirs, it is sometimes necessary to determine who the heirs are. DNA typing can be used to prove blood relationship to the deceased individual.

  • Immigration: Individuals and families interested in establishing a proven biological link to their relatives ultimately enhance their chances of a successful application for immigration. Identity testing in cases involving immigration may include answering questions of paternity, maternity, and sibling relationships.

  • Twin studies: DNA typing can be used to determine whether twins are identical or not.

  • Identification of mutilated bodies: When a deceased person's body is mutilated and cannot be identified directly, such as in fire, vehicle accidents, bomb blasts, or due to prolonged burial, it is possible to identify these persons by comparing their DNA profiles with that of their close relatives'.

  • Murder, violent assault, robbery: In these cases, a sample of tissue from the criminal is sometimes found at the scene of the crime, and if there is a suspect, DNA typing can very accurately determine whether the sample of tissue belongs to the suspect, thereby linking the suspect to the crime. Furthermore, a sample of tissue from the victim may be found on the criminal (such as blood stains on the criminal's clothing). Similarly, DNA typing can be used to determine whether the sample of tissue belongs to the victim in such cases, thereby connecting the suspect to the victim.

  • Rape and other sexual offences: In these cases, semen and saliva samples may be obtained from the body and clothing of the victim. DNA typing can be used to determine whether the sample of tissue belongs to the suspect, thereby linking the suspect to the crime. In such cases, DNA typing can be used very effectively to identify the criminal only if the offense is reported immediately, and DNA samples are taken as soon as possible.

  • Establishment of identity in insurance claims: It is often necessary to establish the identity of a claimant in life insurance claims. DNA typing can determine the relationship of the claimant to the insured individual. DNA typing is also extremely effective in identifying individuals who have died in accidents or by other causes, and whose bodies have been severely mutilated making conventional identification impossible. Hence, DNA typing can be used to confirm the death of the insured person. 

  • Establishment of a criminal DNA profile data bank: Many countries have enacted legislation to establish a DNA databank, containing profiles from individuals convicted of specific crimes, especially violent crimes and sexual offences. Law enforcement agencies search these databanks for matches with DNA profiles from biological evidence of unsolved crimes. Using these databanks, law enforcement agencies have been successful in identifying suspects in cases thought to be unsolvable. Such databases are also a powerful deterrent to crime because the criminal knows that his DNA profile is on record.


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